• Elementary School Maradi. ONG AFN for $5,000. Build a classroom to replace temporary shelters being used after classrooms were destroyed in a fire that took the lives of 34 children. MARADI
  • Dignité des Femmes Tagala Koye. ONG Tagaz Espoir for 231,000 FCFA. Conduct needs assessment to evaluate economic opportunities available to women sand carriers in order to develop future job skills programs to help them gain better employment. NIAMEY
  • Soutien des Femmes d’Eladab.  ONG TAMAKRAST for 2,680,000 FCFA. Drill a borehole and install a solar pump in a garden for the women’s co-op, which is already organized and active in drying and processing fruits and vegetables. AGADEZ
  • Maison de la Parole. ONG GONI 2,500,000 FCFA. Create an event space/center for oral tradition performances in Libore, a community known for this heritage. Project will construct a stage and a meeting space (hut/hangar) to support cultural and artistic events. NIAMEY
  • Ma sœur, Mon Modèle. (ONG MICA) for 2,515,000 FCFA. Employ 12 young women mentors who have already participated in leadership training (Expanding Lives) to work with 100 middle school girls to reduce early marriage, increase school attendance and overall life success. MADAOUA
  • Inclusion sociale et économique des enfants vulnérable.  ONG AfriYAN Niger for 1,460,000 FCFA. Work with 50 handicapped or otherwise vulnerable street kids to teach them marketable crafts fabricated from used plastic items. Project culminated in a craft fair/exhibition of products. OUALLAM
  • Job Skills for Young People in Niger. ONG DIMA for $5,000. Train 72 unemployed youth to do leatherwork and make other marketable crafts. This grant builds on an existing program where girls constitute more than half the trainees. NIAMEY
  • Landscape Restoration for Ecosystem Recovery.   ONG Amman Imman for $5,000. At the request of villagers in the Northern Tahoua Region, a long term project is being launched to restore pasturelands, wetlands and forests.  FON funding will support critical baseline assessment work to identify existing conditions and guide development of restoration alternatives.  The project, which has the potential to be an important model, will engage villagers, government agencies and other key partners.  The funding will leverage additional future investments and with the potential for long term benefits.  TAHOUA
  • Construction of a “semi-dure” classroom at the school in the village of Tchinwizni, Agadez region.   Assemblée des Formateurs et Animateurs des Associations (Association AFAA) for 2 676 500 FCFA. The school in the village of Tchinwizni serves more than forty students and 650 families. This project will replace the temporary straw huts with reinforced adobe construction.  Benefits include a safer and cleaner learning environment for students, less maintenance and upkeep required of parents, and reduced environmental impact of continually replacing straw/wood structures.  AGADEZ
  • Fournitures et matériels scolaires pour Tchinwizni. Assemblée des Formateurs et Animateurs des Associations (Association AFAA) for 2,652,000 FCFA.  The project will fund the purchase of desks, books, and materials for construction of a water cistern for a school room constructed in an earlier project.  AGADEZ
  • Biocontrol of millet miner.  ONG Potentiel Terre for $4,760. Potentiel Terre will implement a program to breed and reintroduce a native wasp that attacks wood-boring insects.  The program will also provide training so that it can continue in the future with local people producing and distributing the wasps.  Up to 20,000 households hope to benefit from reduced crop losses in Mokko commune.  DOSSO
  • Supplemental Training and outreach for millet miner biocontrol.  ONG Potentiel Terre for $2,600. Based on initial outreach work, Potential Terre revised their project to reintroduce bio-control (native wasps) for millet miner, a project initially funded by FON in 2021, to include more training and outreach.  Trainings are underway and engage young women as well as young men.  DOSSO
  • Vocational training for school abounds, incarcerated young people and unemployed young people. Maradi Artisan Training Center for $5040. The Maradi Artisan Training Centre works with prison officials to provide young people with training in various vocational programs.  A 13-month program is offered to up to 20 participants.  The training includes literacy, technical writing, basic accounting and entrepreneurship for interns.  MARADI
  • Bangiya Elementary School Desks. Bangiya Village Cooperative for $1,640. The Bangiya village cooperative near Zinder received funding to equip a new classroom with bench tables.  This project follows the successful implementation of a classroom construction project previously funded directly by individual FON members in 2020.  The grant financed the purchase of 30 bench tables for Bangiya Primary School.  ZINDER
  • Restaurer la Dignite des Tagala Koye.  ONG Tagaz Espoir for 3,175,000 FCFA.  Project will fund the training to the women sand carriers on alternative income generating activities (soap and incense making and agri-food production) identified in an earlier FON funded project.  NIAMEY
  • NAMU (Le Notre).  ONG Moune Kouloudou for 2,911,000 FCFA.  Project will provide training and help establish women and youth in poultry production.  ZINDER
  • Zankey Tabi Ban.  ONG Solidarité Environnement et Développement au Niger (SEED Niger) for 2,400,000 FCFA         Project to provide classroom tables and benches, and parental training on the importance of schooling for certain schools in the rural commune of Tondikandia.  TILLIBERI
  • Deux jardins scolaires.  Attri et Tchintebizguine.  ONG Les Puits du Désert for 3,000,000 FCFA.  This project will construct wells for a school garden and use the construction, maintenance, and harvesting as part of the school science curriculum. AGADEZ
  • Formation et l’autonomisation de la femme Tchirozérine.  ONG TIDENE for 2,987,400 FCFA.  Project funds will purchase seeds and gardening inputs for a women’s garden while providing functional literacy courses to the women. AGADEZ
  • Job Skills for Recovering Fistula Patients.  ONG DIMA for $5000.  FON funds will provide 9 months training for fistula patients to learn sewing as part of a larger project funded by other donors.  NIAMEY
  • Prévenir les Conflits et Renforcer la Cohésion Sociale.  ONG Appui au Development et Aide Humanitaire (ADAH) for 2,550,000 FCFA.  This is a project to build civic capacity to prevent exploitation and radicalization of youths.  The project will fund outreach and training in Makalondi to foster youth leadership and prevent exploitation and radicalization.  TILLABERI
  • Garden Fence Goure 2,922,500cfa. Groupement Kla killew/ONG CAMAD.   An area will be fenced to develop gardening and fruit trees to be watered from new borehole in the Zinder region.
  • Rural Vocational Training $750. ONG DIMA.  Artisan training will be provided in rural areas starting with soap making pilot with women in Hamdallaye. 
  • CSI Water System 1,350,000 cfa. ONG AFAA.  A water system will be improved for a rural health clinic in the Agadez region
  • Malaria Prevention Niamey 557,000 cfa. ONG Failatoul Hairan (La Bienfaisance).  Mosquito nets, medication and training will be provided to help prevent malaria for vulnerable pregnant women and children in Niamey.
  • CSI solar Yekoua 2,068,323 cfa. Federation Rayuwar Karkara des réseaux Mata Masu Dubara (MMD).  Solar panels will be installed to provide 24 hour electricity to rural health clinic in Zinder region
  • Milk Cows Abalak 2,850,000 cfa. Société Coopérative Simplifiée des Femmes Couturières “FAKRU”.  Milk production will be increased by adding dairy cows to existing sheep herd
  • Sheep Fattening Agadez 2,769,980 cfa. ONG APR EMITTI.  Livestock will be purchased and training provided for women’s cooperative sheep fattening program
  • Sheep Husbandry Balleyara 3,185,000 cfa. ONG ODI Niger.  Sheep wand training in animal husbandry will be provided to 20 disabled women
  • School WASH Aguie $2,500. Remember Niger Coalition.  Latrines and a WASH station will be constructed at a middle school in Aguie
Lutte biologique contre la mineuse du mil. ONG Potentiel Terre

Website of the Friends of Niger