Photos from Gabriella Maertens, Niger III, 1964-1966
Physical Education and TEFL teacher at the Cours Normal in Zinder (now a CEG)
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Pictures 9 + 10: Jeeps
9 - Peace Corps Jeep - PCV Karen Selser inside with Nigerien friend, PCVs Linda Ewing & Gabriella Maertens ready to jump in
10 - Another jeep ride - PCVs Fred Daily, Peter Easton & Betty Burnette
Pictures 11 - 13: Zinder views
11 - View of tower of the fort in Zinder
12 - Zinder from the tower
13 - Entering the gate of the old city
Pictures 18 - 20: Parade for President Hamani Diori
18 - Military review by President Hamani Diori
19 - The Sarki of Zinder across from viewing stand
20 - Hausa rider with his mount in all their finery
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